Why print design still matters in a digital world


Many business owners regularly ask “Is print design still worth it?” as we move into this increasingly digitised world. So, is print design obsolete? Only if you view print design and online design as competitors! But the reality is that when they are combined, print media and digital media are at their most effective.

Here are five reasons why print design still matters in a digital world:

1. Tangibility and credibility

There’s nothing more appealing than the tangibility of print media. That’s why so many people still buy books and magazines when they can just download these to their phones or tablets! The physical nature of print gives it a sense of permanence and credibility. Print materials offer a tangible experience that digital media cannot replicate.

People tend to trust printed materials more than digital ads, as they perceive print to be more reliable and less intrusive. In fact, according to one survey 82% of consumers chose print ads as the most trustworthy when making a purchase decision.

2. Engaging

Print marketing has a 70–80% higher recall rate than digital advertising according to several studies. Print design often results in higher engagement rates compared to digital media because people are more likely to remember information read on paper than on a screen.

3. Longevity

Anyone that still has an old magazine somewhere in their house will tell you that print materials often have a longer shelf life than digital content. Local takeaway menus and fliers for services you might need in the future, they’re all placed in an ‘important drawer’ for use in the future. By contrast, digital ads will disappear with a click or a swipe.

4. Sensory experience

Print design engages multiple senses, creating a more immersive experience. The texture of the paper, the quality of the print, the finish applied, and even the scent of the ink contribute to the overall perception of the brand. A luxe advert printed on thick paper will immediately send a subconscious message about your brand.

5. Brand recognition and differentiation

Consistent use of print materials can help to build brand recognition and differentiate your business from competitors. High-quality print design reflects a company’s professionalism and attention to detail, reinforcing your brand identity. Unique and creative print pieces, such as custom packaging, bespoke invitations, or limited-edition catalogues, can make a brand stand out in a crowded market, reassuring customers of the quality of your offering.


We need to stop viewing digital design and print design as competitors. There is no competition between the two, instead they should complement each other. Integrating print with digital strategies can actually enhance overall marketing effectiveness. A great example of this is print materials that include QR codes or URLs that drive customers to online content, creating a seamless multi-channel experience.

This integration helps bridge the gap between offline and online engagement, ultimately increasing overall engagement, which should be the goal for any campaign!

Why not get in touch to discuss how we could help with these integrated needs? We specialise in print design and help you create effective printed material to work alongside your digital marketing.

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