Tips for Helping You Define Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Businesses are constantly being told how important it is to find their unique selling proposition (USP). But that’s meaningless advice if you don’t actually know what a USP is! So what is a USP? A Unique Selling Proposition, sometimes also called a Unique Selling Point (and always abbreviated to USP), in its simplest form is […]

Here are 10 signs that you should think about a new website or redesign

Your business website has been around for a while and while it’s not flashy, it’s still serving its purpose, right? Well, what if you’re wrong? Your business website is often the first introduction that potential customers will have to your business. It should reflect your business ethos, establish your credibility, build trust with your customers, […]

18 effective ways to market your small/medium business on a budget

Running an SME is a challenge, without a doubt. Budgets, time, and resources are often squeezed to the limit. But, no matter how squeezed your marketing budget is, spreading the word about your brand is still critical for success. Here are 18 free, or low-cost marketing ideas you may want to try: 1. Ask existing […]

A quick look at why a responsive website design is so important

A man holding a phone with an exclamation mark on the screen

Times have changed, until fairly recently a responsive website was considered as something that’s ‘good to have’. I’m going to tell you a short story about a recent experience of mine that proves that a responsive website is now essential, and why. What is a responsive website? Before we dive into why a responsive website […]

7 tips for being productive when you’re working from home

A woman with her head in her hands looking stressed

The concept of working from home sounds great doesn’t it? If you didn’t actually have to get anything done then it really would be easy. Unfortunately this is not the case and even though you’re sitting comfortably at home, things still need to get done! Years ago, I used to work from my home as […]